Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hi All!

Thanks for reading my blog.

First, let me tell you a little about me: I'm currently working as a mechanical engineer. I LOVE camping, hiking, climbing and all kinds of outdoorsy shit. I am one of the cheapest people you will ever meet. I was too young to remember my first camping trip and spent much of my youth as a Boy Scout. I spent much of my 20's as an alcoholic bar rat and in the past couple years, have rediscovered my passion for the outdoors.

I'm an avid reader of another blog, called SE Adventure Women. After camping and hiking with a few of these lovely ladies a few times, I've been, well, inspired. One of my personal mottos is that if something interests you, try to learn more and if you know a lot, spread the knowledge. There isn't much I know about over-the-counter gear, mainly because I haven't bought much. Once again: cheap-ass bastard writing this.

What I do know: in my career in combination with my experience in Boy Scouts, I've learned how to make things, build things, and in some cases improvise using the materials available to me at the time. This goes with camping gear more than anything else I know.

The purpose of this blog is to inform the masses that you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on gear to hang out in the woods for a few nights... maybe even weeks or months. The purpose of this blog is to inform everyone that with a little motivation and a minimal amount of tools and materials, you can have great gear for cheap and still have just as much fun.

I in no way assume responsibility if the construction or usage of any of the projects in this blog result in injury or death. BUILD AND USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

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